What is an Aniti-Gravity Treadmill?
The Alter G Antigravity treadmill is a treadmill like no other. It looks just like a regular treadmill but the person using it is encased in a bubble filled with pressurized air which helps them “de-load” their joints.
At first glance it looks like a treadmill from outer space. That’s because in a way, it sort of is. Originally developed for NASA to help astronauts train in space, it was then redeveloped so people can use it right here on earth.
The treadmill allows people to decrease their body weight by up to 80%. This means they have the option of putting as little as 20% load on their muscles and joints while walking or running.
The antigravity treadmill is great for anyone who is rehabilitating a lower body injury or an athlete who wants to improve their performance.
First, the patient puts on the AlterG performance shorts which then get zipped into the lining of the treadmill “bubble”.
The machine calibrates specifically to the patient's weight and the bubble fills using NASA Differential Air Pressure Technology. Patients are gently and precisely “lifted off their feet” which reduces gravitational forces allowing them to move without pain.
The physiotherapist sets the amount of weight bearing they’d like their patient to place on their lower body. This can be adjusted in 1% increments. The therapist can then set the treadmill speed and incline and adjust as necessary.
As the patient begins to recover, more weight bearing is placed allowing them to return to normal walking or running much quicker.
Other exercises, such as squats, lunges, step downs and even jumping can be performed in the treadmill.
The treadmill also has a front facing camera so the patient can see how they’re walking or running and allows the physiotherapist to cue the patient to correct their form and mechanics. In addition, there are sensors which measure stride length and even how much pressure you’re putting on the right and left foot.
The AlterG treadmill can be used with a wide variety of patients such as:
Anyone suffering from a lower body injury
Athletes recovering from injury or improving athletic performance
Senior population with mobility issues
Individuals looking to improve cardiovascular fitness
ACL injury
MCL sprains
Meniscus tears
Ankle sprains
Achilles tears
Foot or lower leg fractures
Stress fractures
Hip & knee replacements
Arthritis & osteoarthritis
Swelling & inflammation
Check out the articles below to see how athletes and celebrities use the Alter G antigravity treadmill to help them recover and perform!
To learn more about the Alter G Antigravity Treadmill check out the Alter G website here.
To book a FREE trial session on the treadmill click HERE.
Move well,
Mike Dabrowski
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